Plot of land - Rubi
The plot is located at Calle Cardona 58, facing two streets, Castellnou urbanization, belonging to the municipality of Rubí, province of Barcelona, whose cadastral reference is:
The plot is located on urban land, currently without building. The plot, measuring 417.41m2 according to the current topographic survey, is slightly irregular, with a difference in elevation between its lower access street - Cervera street - and its upper access - Cardona street - of 9.50m. The unbuilt plot adjoins Cervera street, on a line of 18.16ml, facing North-northeast, with the adjoining farm on Calle Cardona 56, on a line of 23.81ml, facing East-southeast, with Cardona street, in a 17.85ml line, in its South-Southwest orientation, and with the adjoining farm at Calle Cardona 60, in a 23.23ml line, in its West-northwest orientation.
Very efficient
Not efficient
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