Privacy policy

In compliance with the provisions of article 5 of Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13 on the Protection of Personal Data and the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter, “LOPD”) and the General Data Protection Regulation of Data (hereinafter, “RGPD”), Llach Serra Associats S.L. informs you that the personal data you provide when filling out any form on this page will be collected in files owned by Llach Serra Associats S.L. with registered office at Carrer Rambla Catalunya 95, Pral. 2a, 08008 Barcelona. The user can exercise his right of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the processing of his personal data under the terms and conditions provided by the LOPD, by writing to the corporate headquarters of Llach Serra Associates S.L. with registered office at Carrer Rambla Catalunya 95, Pral. 2a, 08008 Barcelona, or by email to the address The registration forms indicate the different fields whose completion is necessary to obtain the requested service or provision. Unless otherwise indicated, the response to questions about personal data is voluntary and, unless otherwise indicated, failure to respond to questions will not impair the quality or quantity of the services offered. By providing their personal data through the forms on this website, or sending it through any other means, users declare that they fully and unreservedly accept the inclusion of the data provided in the files of Llach Serra Associats S.L. and its treatment, in the terms stipulated in this document. By accepting this legal notice, you acknowledge that the information and personal data collected are accurate and truthful and accept that the collection of your personal data is carried out in order to provide the requested services and send you advertising and commercial offers of other products and services, notices, offers and, in general, information from Llach Serra Associats S.L. of a commercial nature that may be of interest to you. In accordance with the provisions of article 11 of the LOPD, by completing this form you also give your consent to transfer your personal data to those collaborating companies of Llach Serra Associats S.L. whose intervention was necessary to provide a better service and solely for the purpose of providing information, always within the scope of the legitimate functions of assignor and assignee. It also authorizes Llach Serra Associats S.L. so that I can send you commercial communications via email or any other equivalent means of electronic communication. The authorizations for the sending of commercial information, transfer of data and sending of commercial communications by electronic means will be revoked, at any time, by written communication addressed to Llach Serra Associats S.L. at the addresses mentioned above. Llach Serra Associates S.L. indicates that it has implemented all the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of personal data and undertakes to treat them in an absolutely confidential manner, using them only for the purposes described here and all this in accordance with the provided for in article 9 of the LOPD and in Royal Decree 1720/2007 of December 21, which approves the Regulation of Security Measures for Automated Files Containing Personal Data. Llach Serra Associates S.L. reserves the right to modify its personal data treatment and security policy at any time, respecting at all times the legislation in force in the field of data protection and prior communication to the interested parties, either through publication on this same page or in any other site on the web, or the medium or broadcast channel it deems appropriate.