Community management

Administrators, lawyers, economists…, at your service. Our extensive experience in the administration of communities of owners allows us to offer a management service that provides maximum peace of mind to our customers. We bet on high specialization. With a team that offers dedication, rigor and great professionalism, with the best advice and always looking for solutions, providing agile and immediate management of all incidents, and always with maximum transparency.
Community management | Llach Serra

Owner community management service

Personalized attention

Each community has an officer as interlocutor. Any owner can communicate with this officer in person, by mobile, WhatsApp or email.

Depending on the needs of each community, extraordinary meetings will be held during the year to deal with matters that require it.

Quality, efficiency and transparency

Each community has an independent bank account open in its name, thus guaranteeing total transparency in treasury management.
Community documentation is always available for any query or check. Every year, annual accounts are prepared and presented in full detail so that everyone has all the information about the income and expenses of their community.

Cost reduction

We meet regularly with the suppliers and industrialists who provide their services to the community in order to determine the real needs of this community and check that both the services provided and the prices billed are in line with the market offer at any given time.

We renegotiate the contracts of the various suppliers as necessary in order to optimize the resources of each community.

Active management of unpaid debts

We manage the collection of outstanding receipts from owners by offering them viable solutions. In addition, we carry out the necessary arrangements to collect the debts of properties awarded to banking entities.

And if out-of-court procedures do not work, we put at the disposal of our clients a team of lawyers who will initiate legal actions under very advantageous conditions for the community.

Tax advice and management

We provide tax advice on the tax obligations of the community and carry out the procedures and management necessary for this.

Incident management

We attend to incidents according to the instructions of the community. We have a wide range of professionals and industrialists from all sectors who offer a quality professional service with all the guarantees and at a competitive price.

Works and subsidies

Our office is in charge of the works from the very beginning of the project, becoming an indispensable element to bring any rehabilitation project to a successful conclusion.

We ensure compliance with current regulations, we collaborate in the selection of the best professionals, we work in close collaboration with the works commission and we supervise the treasury. In addition, we are in charge of processing the subsidies to which the community can opt.

Legal advice

As specialists in Real Estate Management, we offer the necessary legal advice in the area of ​​Owner Communities.

In addition, we keep abreast of the constant changes in current legislation that have a direct or indirect impact on the owner communities and act accordingly, offering clear, direct and quick responses to each situation.