Real estate solutions

The administration of your Community of Owners needs to be in the hands of a professional team, highly specialized and with extensive experience in the sector.

Community management

The administration of your Community of Owners needs to be in the hands of a professional team, highly specialized and with extensive experience in the sector.

Community management | Llach Serra

Sale and rent

¿Quieres vender o alquilar tu propiedad? You need a trusted professional who will advise you throughout the process and always present you with the best solution.
Community management | Llach Serra

Rent administration

Do you have a rental property? A professional rental administration will help you obtain maximum profitability, optimize the value of your property and eliminate all worries.
Community management | Llach Serra


For your investment projects, you will need the services of our real estate consultancy, to make the best decisions taking into account all the factors involved.

What our customers think

Pilar Redondo López Avatar
Pilar Redondo López
La profesionalidad, experiencia y sobre todo excelentes valores, hacen que poder contar con ellos sean una gran tranquilidad. La dedicación mostrada, aún antes de contratar sus servicios, hacen ver que desean trabajar por y para sus clientes, siendo transparentes desde el primer momento. Gracias.
Francisco Castellano Perez Avatar
Francisco Castellano Perez
La meva parella i jo hem llogat un pis i la veritat es que ens han tractat genial, son uns grans professionals. Ens agradaria fer un agraïment especial a Mònica i Helena per la seva dedicació, han estat a la nostra disposició en tot els moments que les hem necessitat.
roger “thefacker27” mata Avatar
roger “thefacker27” mata
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